You have 30 days from receiving your order to return your product for a full refund, it must be unused and in its original packaging.
The return of a product is at your own cost unless the item is faulty or you have received the wrong item.
If your item arrives damaged, contact within the first 14 days of receiving the item. Please include an image of the issue and your order number, a member of the customer service team will contact you regarding next steps.
Once we have received your returned item, we will process your return. The money will be deposited back into the account you made the original purchase from. This can take up to 5 working days.
If after the initial 30 days, you find your product has a fault please contact us on contact Please include an image of the issue and your order number, a member of the customer service team will contact you regarding next steps. Depending on the warranty of the individual product, the outcome of the query will vary.
Visit here for FAQ’s regarding our returns policy.